Wednesday, October 29, 2008

REAL People in Political ADVERTISING

Okay, so we're all aware that's a barely reconcilable contradiction, right?

Real People/Advertising. Guess it depends on your definition of "the real"....

Well, whatever that is, it hasn't stopped politicians off all stripes from hoisting up the everyman in their TV ads since the 1950s. Framing them with their respective marketing strategies, and basically robbing them of any personal agency, or "realness". In effect, they are often reduced to an instrument of the campaign.

Errol Morris has an Editorial rundown in the NY Times today about these "Real-People Ads."

The impetus behind this article is his recent work on a new campaign ad for Barack Obama. "People in the Middle for Obama". It does better to let the 'real-people' speak for themselves (seemingly), but Morris's signature editing style does just that - it edits their soundclips to echo those of their chosen candidate.

Poor (pun intended) John McCain is getting seriously outspent (4:1) and now outclassed by Obama's advertising campaign (for President). Most expensive election ever.

Check out past campaign ads starring Joe Schmo. From 1952 on. (McGovern's ad is sick).

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