Friday, September 12, 2008

The "Rick Roll" Finally Finds Its Purpose

rickrolling, the annoying little internet psych has reached the pinnacle.

if this had actually happened, i might not mind so much when Barack loses the election.


  1. Why are you convinced his defeat is in the bag?

  2. it's mostly me trying to lower my expectations so as not to be crushed if obama loses the election.

    but in general, i guess i have very little hope in american voters making the right decision after electing bush for a second term.

    if obama is to win though, the fight is far from over, and people are going to have to really step up (mostly on grassroots levels because the democratic party nor the media can be counted on).

    also, i think my loss of hope is also directly connected to the scary reality of the conservatives gaining a majority government in the upcoming canadian federal election.

    so hopefully my doom is imagined and both mccain and harper are stymied at the polls this fall.

  3. Unfortunately the points you raise are all too true. But the potholing economy and general crumminess of the post 9-11 world is breeding anxiety amongst regular folks across North America. Most people have had enough. The stakes are higher than they were the last time around. Nothing makes people less guillable than an empty wallet. November is a ways away and the ball has yet to drop...


Oh, be nice...