Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Politics Hates the Internet: Stephen Harper is a Phony

Check out this video from 2003 of current Prime Ministerial candidate Stephen Harper regurgitating nearly the exact same speech that then Prime Minister of Australia John Howard gave 2 days prior.

I wonder where these two li'l Amerifans got the copy for their political marketing to make a case for a hurried and unnecessary war. Well, Howard got run out of office in 2007 by Australians - and Canadians should do the same with Harper. Despite the act he's putting on during the last 20 days, Stephen Harper is not your friend, and he is does not represent the values of Canadians.

Sorry for the influx of politically-themed posts on popgunning these days. I'm trying to resist, but there's just so much absurdity infused into both the Canadian and American elections. As it happens the internet has the most adept tools for rooting out and highlighting all this insanity. I promise I'll at least try to balance them out with 2x as many fun posts about movies and such.

One last thing...Stephen Harper shakes his son's hand when he drops him off at school.

1 comment:

  1. what a great post to end the month with!

    There is a great website


    which allows you to click on your riding and see which party you should vote for to prevent a conservative majority!

    The website to centered around fighting climate change but I think the greatest thing about it is that it helps people vote strategically if that is something you are into.

    Happy voting!


Oh, be nice...