Thursday, October 01, 2009

Ad Revivalism: You're No Jane Rivers!

I say "Yes" to advertisement nostalgia. It really strikes my TV addled brain when I get a taste of an old ad that I saw a thousand times as a kid. Especially in Canada, where they used to play the same commercials endlessly.

I saw this formerly ubiquitous coffee crisp commercial being replayed the other day. Now I might not get so many blank stares when I accuse someone, "you don't know from jokes!"

Now all they have to do is bring back this infamous Oil of Olay "Ms Fitzhenry?!" ad:


  1. but what about new jobs for new actors.....:(

  2. Nice Video.

  3. I still remember the "Mr. Muscle" commercial with Charlotte Rae. "'Be a good cook,' Mother said. 'You'll get a man.' What did I get? Twenty-five years with my head in a dirty oven, scraping, scrubbing! This is marriage?..." Of course, nowadays they couldn't air such politically incorrect stuff!


Oh, be nice...