Thursday, June 12, 2008

Photoshop Shmotoshop

Ever find yourself in a photo editing jam without the resources to acquire Photoshop? Well, Adobe's Photoshop is not the only game in town any more.

And luckily for us, the great design website LifeClever has been so kind to list some free web based alternatives.

There's also free downloadable programs like Gimp, Image Well, and Google's Picasa that can help fulfill your simple image fiddling needs.

I just tried out Picnik. Check out the results:
Voila! In less than a minute, Polar Bears stranded on disappearing iceberg... becomes Polar Bears stranded on iceberg from stoned Green Peace guy's perspective.

Tip on this post via Drawn!

1 comment:

  1. Kanami sang imo blog. Daw spaghetti.


Oh, be nice...