Wednesday, April 30, 2008

TDK Countdown Continues

So more posters have arrived, and there's a new trailer on the horizon.

If you don't see a new The Dark Knight trailer before Iron Man this weekend, you surely will before Warner Brothers' other big summer release, Speed Racer next Friday May 9th. If you weren't already drawn in by the hype of those two summer busters of blocks, now you certainly have just cause to join the masses.

Click the images to enlarge (And then save them to your desktop or decorate your locker with poor quality printouts).

I haven't been this excited for a movie since, well, since Batman Begins. Or maybe Batman Forever, but back then I used to close my eyes during any commercials on TV and remember feeling like a righteous fool as I closed my eyes in the theater when the trailer came on. I guess the more things stay the same, the more things change. More simply, I'm a nerd - always have been. The new one-sheet is below:

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Oh, be nice...