Monday, August 20, 2007

Lock Up Your Rats

Fishers are real.

I saw one. The other day while driving 30min outside of Kingston, Ontario, I saw one scamper across the highway. Too fat to be a fox and too boring to be an armadillo.

Also known as "fisher cats", these weaselish devils have been told to snatch up household cats and eat out the stomachs of cattle while they sleep.

Yamma Mamma!

They also apparently have a cry resembling the screams of a tortured human baby. Sources say they can jump down out from trees too, so watch your back next time your searching for the porn you buried behind your cabin last summer.

And yes, this is Reason no.188 why sprawl is a very bad thing. The day I hear of a fisher in my neighbourhood, is the day I move to far away.

1 comment:

  1. what a scary little beast...good thing I never venture north of Eglington!


Oh, be nice...